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Asgard, ad aprile il nuovo cd

Il secondo album degli Asgard uscirà il 22 Aprile per My Graveyard Productions, e si intitolerà "Outworld". La copertina sarà disegnata da Mark Wilkinson (noto per aver collaborato con Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Marillion, Hawkwind e molti altri). Il disco verrà registrato ai Domination Studios di Simone Mularoni. -- New Asgard album to be released in April "Outworld", the second album by heavy metallers Asgard, will be released via My Graveyard Productions on April 22nd 2013. The cover artwork will be realised by Mark Wilkinson (who worked also with Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Marillion, Hawkwind and many others); the album will be recorded at Domination Studios by Simone Mularoni. PROMOTION & BOOKING Via Visano 86 25010 Isorella (BS) ITALY

Le prossime 32 uscite Discografiche

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